Thursday, June 30, 2011

Joanna Wrote a New Blog Post???

Wow. Every time I think I should just give up on this whole blogging thing, poof! A magical blog post pops up on your feed for pure enjoyment. Okay, maybe not so much enjoyment as straight up Graham and Joanna information. What in the world have we been up to?? Well…since my last post I planned a lot of weddings. I only worked three of them however and I have a bittersweet announcement that I resigned my position as Senior Event Coordinator at Sky Event Centre and have moved a whole two blocks (literally) to a new Marketing position at a local bank named Community National. This has been my first week working as a “Marketing Specialist” and boy, have they been treating me like one! I have already written an article on the bank for Cedar Valley Region publication (no big deal…it is only used for about three years in the business world until the next brave soul gets to write a new one), helped redesign some of the elements on the Web site (which, I have apparently been put in charge of—ah!) and created an advertisement for the August 2011 edition of Business Weekly which goes out across the Cedar Valley and in which we have the front inside cover spot. Again, no pressure, right? It has been a fun challenge for me and I really think I am going to love it here in my new job home even though it couldn’t be any more different than what I was doing before!

This does not go to say that I will not be event planning in the future or soliciting my services to any stressed out bride-to-be’s (you know who you are and who you should call…) in the meantime. I fully expect to try and wriggle my way into the industry after our next move (who knows when this will be…) which will hopefully be to a bigger city where gals who love wedding planning like me will be welcomed with open arms. (I’m sure you’re surprised to hear that there isn’t a huge market for wedding planners in Cedar Falls, Iowa.)

Let’s see, what else, what else. I am planning a bloglift in the near future. Yes, I just used bloglift in a sentence. Don’t worry it is not as bad as saying emoticon in a sentence like Ben on the Bachelorette whipped out this season—how embarrassing. I just feel like I need this here thing to be revamped and maybe even have a completely new direction. What will it be…what will it be? Will I be crafty, or funny, or just my plain old Joanna self? I guess you’ll just have to stay tuned to find out.

I had the best time with my Mom who came into town this past weekend because my Dad was out of town. And by out of town I mean Japan. Graham’s mom was also in China then as well. Anyway...we shopped and ate til we dropped. Unfortunately for Mom she dropped two out of three nights on our less-than-stellar air mattress that apparently has a tiny little hole somewhere so no matter how full it is when you go to sleep you will wind up waking up somewhere around 4:13am with your back flat on the floor. Talk about hospitality! Don’t worry though, for all of you who just can’t wait to plan your visit to Iowa any longer, we are moving into a two bedroom apartment in August and we will have two beds. And by two beds I mean two bed frames, one with a mattress. THEN, if we can afford a new mattress set, then you may not have to put the air mattress on a tacky lone bed frame in our guest bedroom. At least you’d have your own private space, right? Oh the joys of young marriage! These times are for looking back and laughing on when you’re old and rich together, right? That’s what I hear anyway. Oh! I ate a corn dog at the festival this past weekend instead of running the half marathon. Success?? I think so!

Well, tootles (toodles? Tootles seems too much like a word a three year old would use to describe her gas issues…) for now. I know you’ll all be anxiously awaiting the new bloglift. Maybe it won’t take me another two months for it to happen… LOVE Y’ALL!